COVID-19 Outbreak

How to look after your wellbeing

Wellbeing for young people:

Joe Wicks School Exercise:

More helpful videos:

Make A Plan! - Use our Planner Sheet

Apart from truly essential workers, we are now all (largely) staying at home- essential to save lives. However these changes are very disruptive to our wellbeing. We have lost the routine and structure to our day. It’s important to rediscover that. You may also notice that things we would usually do that are good for us have been cut down, or stopped. Hobbies, work, interests, meeting people, getting out and about- all the things that give colour in our life.

Here’s a tool to help plan some changes back. There’s lots you can’t do, but what can you still do? Split the day up into morning/afternoon and evening. Plan at least one thing in each part that:

  • Is fun/pleasurable: e.g. music, hobby, a walk (2 meters apart, once a day), cooking a nice meal, playing a game
  • Connects you to others: talking to people in your flat/house, giving someone a phone/skype/zoom, chatting on social media
  • Recognises achievements/things you’ve got done: Tidied a room? Done some work for school/university/college/work, helped someone, cut the lawn etc.
  • Helps you keep fit: cooked a healthy meal, went for a walk, exercised at home (e.g. walking up and down stairs), did a yoga or keep fit class online etc.

Make a plan to do each – and write the plan in your diary.
Register at for more courses, hints and tips (free).

Wellbeing Tips

Resources for Teachers

Resources for Teachers

Living Life to the Full courses and resources, developed by Professor Chris Williams, are aimed at primary and high school age children. The Living Life to the Full approach (LLTTF™) is one of the world’s most used ways of communicating a widely recommended type of talking therapy called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT has been used for several decades, and research has led to it being one of the most recommended treatments for low mood and anxiety.

How to Look After Your Wellbeing

How to Look After Your Wellbeing

Things You Can Do to Help Yourself   Think about the things you can control, when the world feels scary. How much media you are taking in may be greatly adding to your anxiety levels- it’s OK to tun off your phone, and turn off the news, or instead switch over to...