About Our Approach


The Living Life to the Full approach (LLTTF™) is one of the world’s most used ways of communicating a widely recommended type of talking therapy called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT has been used for several decades, and research has led to it being one of the most recommended treatments for low mood and anxiety. It is widely recognised as one of the most effective ways of helping build well-being and resiliency.

Developed in the UK, the Living Life to the Full course aims to remove much of the jargon from the CBT approach so that is clearly communicated. By using an accessible language and powerful, clearly communicated change tools, the content aims to help young people help themselves.

The course was developed by Professor Chris Williams, of the University of Glasgow, Scotland – a well-known CBT researcher and teacher who is a past-president of the lead body for CBT in the UK.

Some highlights:

  • One of the worlds most used Cognitive behavioural therapy life skills systems.
  • Translations in over 10 languages.
  • Award winning websites with over 25 million hits a year.
  • Strong research base, and evaluation in everyday use in Europe and North America.
  • Major national roll-outs of the courses have occurred in the UK, Ireland and Canada,
  • The young person’s course is available in different formats to suit how you work.
  • Can be delivered in classes, or online – with options for targeted work with young people facing depression/low mood, as well as in wider well-being/resiliency settings.

Read about the online courses and classes

Watch interviews with young people who have attended the classes in Canada.

Living Life to the Full for Youth from CMHA BC on Vimeo.